Community Action Partnership

​​​Community Action Agency for Solano County
Collaborative Applicant for Continuum of Care Funding
Homeless Management Information System Lead Agency

JPA Board of Directors

Steve Bird, Chair
City of Dixon

Doriss Panduro, Vice Chair
City of Fairfield

Trevor Macenski
Lionel Largaespada
City of Benicia

Don Hendershot
City of Dixon

Douglas Carr
City of Fairfield

Edwin Okamura
Sarah Donnelly
City of Rio Vista

Alma Hernandez
Jenalee Dawson
City of Suisun City

Wanda Williams
Cassandra James
Solano County

Roy Stockton
Ted Fremouw
City of Vacaville

Charles Palmares
Tonia Lediju
City of Vallejo

HUD Continuum of Care

Each year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides nearly $2.2 billion in funding for programs designed to end homelessness across the United States. This funding is issued through a competitive process known formally as the Continuum of Care Competition.

The Continuum of Care Competition is a complex and involved process lasting approximately two months. Communities must rank individual projects for funding based on local priorities as well as complete a 60-page application outlining how the community is combating homelessness.

The CAP Solano JPA provides the staff personnel and administrative funding required to complete this massive undertaking. As a result, the CAP Solano JPA secures over $2.2 million in funding annually to serve persons experiencing homelessness in Solano County.

2024 CoC Competition

The 2024 Continuum of Care Program Awards were released on January 17th, and the Solano County CoC did very well.

The total award for the Solano CoC is: $2,247,299.

Most projects that were submitted for funding on your priority listing were awarded. This includes one new PSH project!

This is a great outcome in a competitive year and is a result of the hard work and dedication of all of you and the members of the CoC.

Please find the Priority List here with a column added reflecting the amount awarded for each applicant. Many were awarded more than the amount requested based on FMR increases.

2023 CoC Competition

Thank You To Everyone Who Participated In The 2023 Housing First Solano Continuum Of Care (CoC) Program Local Competition.

On Wednesday, September 6, 2023 the CoC voted to approve the final Priority Listing, which is available here.

2019 Continuum of Care Competition

2019 CoC NOFA Technical Assistance Workshop and Local Competition Materials

On Friday, July 26th, Housing First Solano CoC held an informational Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop for the 2019 CoC NOFA competition. This workshop provided attendees with an overview of the local application process, as well as instructions for completing the local and project applications.

The materials from the TA workshop, including the local competition materials and scoring tools are available here.

Renewal Project Applicants: please utilize guidance contained in the federal TA handbook on page 36 to begin your project applications in e-snaps. Renewal project applications are due in e-snaps on August 19th by 12pm.

New Project Applicants: please begin your new project applications for the local competition in PRESTO and for the federal application in e-snaps. New project applications are due in both PRESTO and e-snaps on August 19th by 12pm.

As per page 7 of the local competition handbook, to obtain a PRESTO account and further instructions, you must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to apply for funding to [email protected] that indicates the agency name, project name, project type, and approximate funding request. PRESTO account login information and new project local competition instructions will be sent in response to the LOI. All applicants are strongly encouraged to access e-snaps as soon as possible.

If you have a specialized need and would like to receive this information or any of the TA workshop materials in another format, pleases contact [email protected].

2018 Continuum of Care Funding Award

On January 26, 2019, HUD announced the renewal awards for the FY 2018 CoC Funding Competition. As you know, this year’s competition was very competitive locally and nationally. However, we secured funding for all renewal projects, including those in Tier 2! HUD awarded a total of $1,156,830 for renewal projects to use within Solano County. Congratulations!

The renewal awards list for the Solano CoC can be found here.HUD’s partial awards announcement is here.

Thank you to all the individuals and agencies who partnered with us to submit a strong application and who undertake the crucial work of effectively serving and housing people experiencing homelessness throughout the year. We know this process can be long and arduous, and we appreciate your contributions and your dedication to serving people experiencing homelessness in Solano County. Congratulations to all!

We will update the community once we receive notice of the awards for the new projects and planning grant.

​​2018 CoC Application Now Available

The 2018 Continuum of Care Consolidated Application is now available. Please find the Consolidated Application below. This consists of the 2018 Housing First Solano Continuum of Care Application and Priority Listing, which will be submitted as the 2018 CoC Consolidated Application for the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (CoC). The Priority Listing and CoC Application are posted here for review by the public and all stakeholders in the homeless system of care, including any experts or community members who have feedback they would like to share prior to submission on September 17, 2018.

2018 CoC Application
2018 CoC Priority Listing

2017 Continuum of Care Funding Award

On January 11, 2018, HUD announced the final awards for the FY2017 CoC funding competition. This year’s competition was very competitive locally and nationally. However, Housing First Solano secured a total of $1,284,935 for use within Solano County, which was awarded for 16 projects! Congratulations! The award renewed 12 projects and funded 3 new projects. This includes 13 permanent housing projects (2 new ones), renewal of our coordinated entry project funding, and a new coordinated entry expansion.

In addition to the project funding, HUD awarded $36,956 in planning grant funding which supports Housing First Solano’s organizing efforts.

The full awards list can be found here. HUD’s official announcement is here.

Thank you to all the individuals and agencies that partnered with us to submit a strong application and who undertake the important work of effectively serving and housing homeless people year-round. We know this process can be long and arduous, and we appreciate your contributions and your dedication to serving the homeless in Solano County. Congratulations to all!

2016 Continuum of Care Funding Award

On December 20, 2016, HUD announced the awards for the FY2016 CoC funding competition. Housing First Solano submitted an application for 17 projects and a planning grant, for a total of $1,318,782. HUD awarded funds for 16 projects and the planning grant for a total of $1,288,063.

This award includes one new project: Restoration Project. This project will be supported by the City of Fairfield and operated by the Edge Community Church. Housing First Solano is excited to add a new provider to the HUD funding stream and looks forward to supporting them as they build a new project.

It also includes 15 renewal projects, all of which are permanent supportive housing for Solano’s homeless individuals and families.

Like in 2015, this year’s competition was very competitive and unfortunately HUD did not choose to fund the expansion of Coordinated Entry. Housing First Solano is disappointed in this result but is confident that the existing Coordinated Entry grant is sufficient to build a robust coordinated entry system in 2017.

Thank you to the Housing First Solano CoC Board, led by Tranine Chisom, whose knowledge and convening authority saw us through the assembly of our application, and to the CAP Solano JPA, led by Dawn La Bar, whose leadership and dedication enabled the JPA to submit the final application to HUD on behalf of our community.

And thank you to all of you who partnered with Housing First Solano to submit a strong application and who undertake the important work of effectively serving and housing homeless people year-round.