Strategic Action Plan
In February 2021, the JPA approved an updated Strategic Action Plan that will guide the JPA’s next steps in implementing the 5-Year Strategic Plan: Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Forward Together. The Action Plan can be accessed here.
No Place Like Home Addendum
CAP Solano JPA approved the No Place Like Home Addendum to the Strategic Plan, which describes the service needs and service strategies for people who are experiencing both homelessness and mental illness. The Addendum can be found here.
Community Action Plan, June 2019
CAP Solano JPA conducted the Community Needs Assessment and drafted the 2020-2021 Community Action Plan (CAP) for Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding. The CAP identifies main causes of poverty in Solano County and strategies for addressing those. The CAP can be found here.
Holistic Funding Plan
In 2019, Solano County commissioned a Solano Homeless Funding Plan to provide an overview of the Solano funding and programs serving homeless individuals and families in Solano County. The Homeless Funding Plan can be accessed here.
Community Planning Process
CAP Solano JPA led a county-wide, community-based strategic planning process to create a 5-year strategic plan to address homelessness throughout Solano County.